
LVGS in the time of Coronavirus…

Well, these seem like strange days, don’t they? As we navigate the near-constant changes that the COVID-19 pandemic has brought – and continues to bring – upon us, as genealogists I believe that we have a fairly good perspective on a bigger picture. And with that, the fervent hope and optimism that the timeless adage “This too shall pass” is still just as relevant as it ever was.

With businesses, organizations and vital community institutions like libraries (of course I’m not biased) being shuttered for an indeterminate time, we are sheltering in our homes to prevent spreading or acquiring the deadly Coronavirus, and trying to establish a “new normal” for ourselves. For how long, and what exactly that means for each of us, is still a work in progress…

One significant advantage that we have in these times (as opposed to those of our ancestors) is the technology that allows us to still communicate and connect with each other. This goes a long way in enabling us to be productive, communicative, and informed in real time, which was nearly impossible in generations past. Not to mention the psychological benefits from still feeling connected to each other and our communities, even without the physical presence of a connection.

So in the spirit of adapting to these challenging times, we’re moving our monthly Lago Vista Genealogical Society meetings online (until the Lago Vista Public Library is able to reopen), using GoToMeeting! Our first meeting is Friday, April 10 from 10 am – 11 am(ish). We’ll start at 10 am, like usual, and try to wrap it up in about an hour or so. We’ve got the time reserved till 11:30 am, but the GoToMeeting app does cut off at exactly that time so that’s basically an extra time cushion so we’re not abruptly disconnected. And Ron Smith has graciously offered to give us another PowerPoint presentation of a visual “tour” of ancestral tree in his family. This format is so well laid out and interesting, and makes telling an ancestral story feel more tangible!

I emailed the GoToMeeting login information to everyone on the LVGS mailing list. Notify me via the Contact Us page if you haven’t received it, or if you’d like to be added.

Let’s all get through these challenging times together (virtually for the time-being), and keep the Big Picture in mind, trying to stay strong, healthy, positive and optimistic. Just think of the stories that WE’RE living through and creating for future generations to discover!

*Please check out these resources for more information, regarding the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19).

genealogy, Heraldry

Friday, February 14, 2020: Special Speaker David Appleton presents “An Introduction to Heraldry for Genealogists”!


Happy New Year, Genealogists! Have you come across family crests or coats of arms in your genealogical research? Have you ever wondered about the origin of them and the stories about how they came to be?

Well, here’s your chance! Mark your calendars for Friday, February 14, 2020 (Yes, it’s also Valentine’s Day): David B. Appleton, of Appleton Studios, is presenting a special program on heraldry! It’s a fascinating topic that’s often an integral part of our genealogical research, as we continue to learn more about our ancestors.

“An Introduction to Heraldry for Genealogists” discusses, in layman’s terms: the origins of heraldry; the various bits and pieces of an “achievement of arms”; determining the colors of black and white drawings of coats of arms; where to look for armorial clues to a genealogy; how to use armory in your own genealogy; and corrects a couple of common misconceptions about heraldry. You can read more in-depth about heraldry, family coats of arms and more on David’s blogsite:

Don’t miss this interesting program with an expert on Heraldry!


Happy 2nd Anniversary to us!


Can you believe it’s already been two years ago that we started this fun little group known as the Lago Vista Genealogical Society?! We’ve grown by leaps and bounds, and as we continue to thrive we’re having so much fun along the way!

Just within the past year, we’ve had special speakers from the Texas Holocaust & Genocide Commission and Genealogy Pants! We’ve learned so much amazing information from them and from each other, and our resources (housed here on this website) continue to grow and be updated.

Additionally, we are going into our second year of having Ancestry – Library Edition, which has been a fantastic resource for our local patrons and genealogists! A very special thanks goes to the Lago Vista Women’s Club for their generous grant to help make that happen. Our Ancestry Workshop in January helped us all learn how to navigate and utilize this valuable resource.

So here we are at our second anniversary of the Lago Vista Genealogical Society, and we’re ready to celebrate and learn more! Come to our next meeting on Friday, July 12 from 10 am – noon for more fascinating topics and discussions (as well as yummy sweets and good coffee), and join our happy group! 

Thank you all so much for being a part of it (we wouldn’t be here without you!), and I’m looking forward to more exciting discoveries, educational opportunities and adventures in Genealogy together!


*Image courtesy of


Friday, June 14, 2019: Special Speaker Cari Taplin, CG to present clever techniques in researching your genealogy!


Have you been stumped while trying to research one of those elusive ancestors? Are you running into the perpetual “brick wall of genealogy” as you’re trying to fill in some of the blanks on this branch of your ancestral tree? If so, then this program could be perfect to help you break through!

Cari A. Taplin, Certified Genealogist of Genealogy Pants (gotta love that catchy name) is here to show us how to use special techniques in Methodology, called the “FAN Club principle” or “Cluster Genealogy”. This can open up more avenues of information, and help you understand how to put your ancestors in context of their social history in that time and place, uncovering valuable insights.

Even if you’re not stuck on a genealogy “road-block” at the moment, these learned strategies in genealogical research can prove to be very effective tools to have for your ongoing research and future challenges there!

Come and join us on Friday, June 14, 2019 at the Lago Vista Public Library in the meeting room from 10 am – noon to learn this and more as we continue our adventures in genealogy! Cari Taplin will be presenting from 10 am – 11 am, and our regular meeting will continue with various topics from 11 am – noon. See you there!

genealogy, History

March 8, 2019: Special Speaker from the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission!


As you learn more about your genealogical background, have you ever wondered what your European ancestors may have experienced during World War II and the Holocaust? Would you like to learn more about this riveting and tragic piece of history?

Whether you’re a member of our Lago Vista Genealogical Society, a history buff, a student researching World War II and/or the Holocaust, or just curious about it all, this is a great opportunity to learn so much more from an expert…

We’re so honored to have J.E. “Jake” Wolfson, Education Coordinator, from the Texas Holocaust and Genocide Commission of Austin doing a presentation for our Lago Vista Genealogical Society on Friday, March 8 from 10 am – noon!

The program will mainly focus on the Holocaust and World War II, specifically as it relates to European countries, and what the people there experienced during that period of history. This history is incredibly valuable, educational and insightful on many levels, especially for those genealogists who have/had ancestors that lived there during WWII. This can really put it all into context for family research and the personal histories that go into our genealogy.

Jake Wolfson will present a fascinating and historical picture of the European experience of the Holocaust and WWII, followed by a Q & A session with our audience of genealogists. Come and join us for this interesting program, and learn from an expert!

*Image courtesy of

© 2019 Lago Vista Genealogical Society